Why do you need to edit web.xml, whenever you add a servlet?
I do not think there is anything editable that will help in adding 
servlets in the web.xml file.

If you add a new servlet in an existing context, it should be 
automatically being recognised and run.

Otherwise, if you want to add it in a new context, you need to 
change the server.xml, add the servlet and stop/start tomcat.


On 15 May 2001, at 2:34, Bip Thelin wrote:

> On Tue, 15 May 2001, Allan Kamau wrote:
> > is there such a thing like Hot deployment of new
> > servlets and/or servlets.
> > this requires the editing of the context's web.xml,
> > can this be done without TC restart?.
> There is no HotDeploy, however you can set a <Context ..> to
> be reloadable which means that servlet classes is reloaded if
> changed. If you want to add a servlet you will have to edit
> web.xml and restart tomcat.
>       ..bip

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