Note that the mailing list should send you a notice saying you have
requested to unsubscribe.  You will not be officially taken off unless
you return this email by pressing "RETURN" to confirm you really want to
be removed.

I thought I would mention that in case you have all your tomcat email
routed to your trash or something....


Alex Nghiem wrote:
> > To remove your address from the list, send a message to:
> Bob:
> I have sent 4 msgs to this address to unsubscribe myself w/ wo effect.
> I have also contacted the owner of the list w/o any success either.
> Regards,
> - Alex -
> ************************************************************
> * Alex Nghiem              770.457.4144 / 770.331.6909 (C) *
> * Internet Entrepreneur & Author     [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
> *                                          AOL IM: adn2294 *
> ************************************************************

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