At 5/16/01 5:45:08 PM, HDung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
#  Hello everybody,
#  I've had hard time in setting up Apache to talk to
#  Tomcat in WinNT.
#  I read some questions and answers similar to my
#  problem but they didn't help me either.
#  Hopefully, I can get help from this list.
#  Here is what I did:
#  -installed Tomcat 3.2.1
#  -installed Apache 1.3.14
#  -downloaded mod_jk.dll and put it under
#  c:/Apache/modules dir.
#  -added the following lines to httpd.conf
#  LoadModule    jk_module  libexec/
#  AddModule     mod_jk.c
#  JkWorkersFile
#  /usr/local/tomcat/conf/
#  JkLogFile     /usr/local/apache/logs/mod_jk.log
#  JkLogLevel    warn
#  Include "c:\tomcat\conf\mod_jk.conf-auto"

I'm not even sure how you got Apache to run with this configuration (have you
tried Apache.exe -t?). Eventually, after much fiddling, I inserted the following
line - and only the following line - into the httpd.conf

Include "c:/hqbin/apache/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto"

Everything that you put in the httpd.conf is already in mod_jk.conf-auto, so
including it  and making sure all the include lines reference things that exist
- including

LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.dll

(notice that I've used .dll rather than so)

should be more than enough.

I have no idea about the rest, although you should look at the line for the
examples in the include file.

#  -commented out the connector to port 8080 in
#  server.xml
#  -Set classpath for Tomcat and Apache
#  -Use 8007 for ajp12
#  When I setup Tomcat stand alone, everything is fine.
#  The installation for Apache is also successful (I can
#  see the first page saying I'm successful in installing
#  Apache when go to http://localhost)
#  After setup Apache to talk to Tomcat, I go to
#  http://localhost/schart/test.jsp
#  (Schart is the directory where I put my jsp)
#  It can't find my file, looking in the log file, the
#  server looks for /apache/htdocs/schart/test.jsp
#  instead of looking for it in Tomcat.  So, I know the
#  setup is not right and Apache can't talk to tomcat.
#  Please help.
#  Thank you so much!
#  Thao Nguyen
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