Have you verified with the Services item on the NT Control Panel that the
service is actually installed?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben-Hur Castilho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 4:35 PM
Subject: NT Service Failed


        IŽam having some problems trying to use the "jk_nt_service". After
adjusting all the configuration files an installing the service as described
in then "NT-Service-HowTo.html" the service cold not be started, returning a
error code 2186 when executing teh command "net start tomcat".

        IŽam using a NT 4.0 WorkStation SP6a system. The TomCat server run
normally when started in a window; just the service is not working.

        What can be done to correct this ?


Ben-Hur Castilho

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