
  I have running Tomcat 3.2.1 on a real server but it get more and more
memory and at the end the system slow so much that you must killall java
processes 'cause you cannot even restart tomcat 'cause doesn't restart, this
happens using mod_jk under apache seems that the garbage collector is not
working and is leaving sections opened, my system is Red Hat Linux 7.1
Professional Server, and the site is: www.cubaonline.cu, I changed to my old
configuration using mod_jserv and seems to be working but I would like to
hear some comments about it...
  This is the screen I got since I changed from mod_jk to mod_serv but I
to know if this is normal:

  6:58pm  up 4 days, 10:02,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
77 processes: 76 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  0.1% user,  0.7% system,  0.0% nice, 99.0% idle
Mem:   255568K av,  244224K used,   11344K free,       0K shrd,   55316K
Swap:  265032K av,      32K used,  265000K free                  102396K

28182 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:01 java
28192 root       8   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:00 java
28193 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:00 java
28194 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:00 java
28195 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:00 java
28196 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:00 java
28197 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:00 java
28206 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:00 java
28207 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:00 java
28208 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:00 java
28209 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:05 java
28210 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:13 java
28211 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:00 java
28280 root       9   0 30724  30M  2840 S     0.0 12.0   0:09 java
29553 apache     9   0  6664 6664  6408 S     0.0  2.6   0:00 httpd
29430 apache     9   0  6652 6652  6308 S     0.0  2.6   0:00 httpd
29515 apache     9   0  6648 6648  6392 S     0.0  2.6   0:00 httpd
29535 apache     9   0  6648 6648  6312 S     0.0  2.6   0:00 httpd
29551 apache     9   0  6648 6648  6388 S     0.0  2.6   0:00 httpd
29552 apache     9   0  6648 6648  6352 S     0.0  2.6   0:00 httpd
29599 apache     9   0  6648 6648  6392 S     0.0  2.6   0:00 httpd
29349 apache     9   0  6644 6644  6304 S     0.0  2.5   0:00 httpd
29640 apache     9   0  6632 6632  6396 S     0.0  2.5   0:00 httpd
29641 apache     9   0  6632 6632  6396 S     0.0  2.5   0:00 httpd
29485 apache     9   0  6620 6620  6392 S     0.0  2.5   0:00 httpd
29598 apache     9   0  6620 6620  6392 S     0.0  2.5   0:00 httpd
29614 apache     9   0  6620 6620  6392 S     0.0  2.5   0:00 httpd
28223 root       9   0  6460 6460  6284 S     0.0  2.5   0:00 httpd
  915 xfs        9   0  4732 4732   896 S     0.0  1.8   0:00 xfs
24583 named      9   0  4200 4200  2196 S     0.0  1.6   0:00 named
24584 named      9   0  4200 4200  2196 S     0.0  1.6   0:00 named
24585 named      9   0  4200 4200  2196 S     0.0  1.6   0:03 named
24586 named      9   0  4200 4200  2196 S     0.0  1.6   0:00 named

Java is getting and getting more memory, I didn't see yet the maximun memory
that it takes, it is supposed to get some climax and after it to be aroung
that memory...

My questions is: Is that processes running taking all this memory normal ?

Thanks a lot for the answers...


P.D: I'm using virtual hosts and one JVM for my site...

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