On May 21, 2001 12:22 pm, you wrote:
> Hello Neil,
> I've tried what you recommend and everything works fine
> but I still have a little problem.
> Apache and Tomcat work well but separately (not
> together).
> I have two httpd.conf files, /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

This one is probably not being used if you're not using the default redhat 
> and /APACHE_HOME/conf/httpd.conf. In the procedure
> you've sent, you said that we have to include
> mod_jk.conf in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf but it doesn't
> work out to me (http://localhost/examples doesn't find
> the page, but http://localhost:8080/examples does).
> Then I tried to do the same
> with /APACHE_HOME/conf/httpd.conf and I got the
> following message when Apache tried to start:
> Syntax error on line 8
> of /usr/local/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf:
> API module structure 'jk_module' in
> file /usr/lib/apache/mod_jk.so is garbled - perhaps this
> is not an Apache module DSO?

Looks like you'll have to compile your own module to fit your apache 


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