Hi all,

We have a Mac G4 running OS X Server, and Apache. I would like to be able to
utilize Tomcat and Cocoon to allow for XSL processing of XML documents and
the delivery of customized HTML from these translations. However, I'm so new
to Unix and Mac OS X I can't even tell you what versions of Apache, OS X
Server, etc. are installed on the computer at the Moment. Could someone out
there direct me to the starting point for this endeavor? I downloaded tomcat
and Cocoon I installed both on the Server and started to go through the
instalation / config documentation at which point I got stumped. There is
mention of changing specific Apache config files and mod_jserv, then I read
that mod_jserv is being replaced. I'm thoroughly confused, I don't know
which version of Apache I should have, What version of Java, What version of
mod_jserv (or equivalent replacement), what version of Tomcat, and finally
what version of Cocoon. I believe I do have the correct Tomcat and Cocoon. I
hope you may be able to get me off in the right direction. Sorry for the
rambling. I'll try and sum up with a few questions:

1. Can I run a Web server on Mac OS X Server that will allow Apache to use
   Tomcat to Use Cocoon to use Xerces/Xalan to process XML using XSl to
   ultimately display web/xml docs as output?

2. If 1.=true, What version of Apache should I download/install?
    2a. How do I determine which version of Apache I have?
    2b. Where may I download the version/instructions on how to
        install/configure apache?
    2c. What addons/Mods do I need for tomcat/cocoon?
        2c1. Where may I download the app/instrucions for those

3. Once Apache is all set up What version of Tomcat do I need?
    3a. Where may I obtain the app/instructions for Tomcat.
    3b. How do I configure Tomcat to be addressable by apache?
    3c. What plugins/addons to Tomcat are necessary to use Cocoon?
    3d. Where can I obtaining the plugins/instructions of said addons?

4. Once Tomcat and Apache are working together, which version of Cocoon do I

    4a. Where can I obtain that version of Cocoon
    4b. Where can I obtain instalation / config info on getting Cocoon to
        with Apache/Tomcat on the Mac OS X server?

5. Am I asking too much of this list? Should I forward part/all of this to
   another list?

Please respond to this mail and I will compile all the info I receive into a
"What happened to me when I configured my Mac OS X server to run
Apache/Tomcat/Cocoon/Xerces/Xalan/XML/XSL/HTML" and I will post it in a
Tutorial testimonial format for others to use!

I realize that this is a large request many of you "power users" will feel
the necessatiy to berate my apparent lack of "grunt work" Please don't let
these comments stop you guys from utilizing this opportunity to help not
only 1 fellow developer, but by having me document this info we can develop
a step by step workflow in which we can help everyone who will need to
follow these instructions in the future.

Thanks in advance,
Kristafer Vale
Octavo Design

Please feel free to answer some of these questions directly if you feel the
info is too remedial for the overall list. I will still incorporate all
valid info into my summary/tutorial that I will be compiling for general

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