
You could use the Ant tool to build a war file which in turn uses jar
command line utility available with JDK. For unpacking war files you can use
winzip or the jar utility available with JDK.

Ant is a subproject under the Apache/Jakarta and is also bundled with
Tomcat. Tomcat has a user guide which outlines the excat steps required.


-----Original Message-----
From: RANDRIAMPARANY Honitriniela
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 4:13 PM
Subject: web application archive (WAR) file


I'm a new Tomcat user. I have questions about the web application archive 
(WAR) file.

How can I create a war file? Reciprocally, how can I unpack a war file? What

software must I use?

Thanks for your helps.

Honitriniela Randriamparany     Tel.: (022) 705 76 29
CUI, University of Geneva       Fax : (022) 705 77 80
CH-1211 GENEVE 4                [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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