I received the following reply message from Randy Layman in response to my
original request for info.
  I made his suggested updates, but it still doesn't work, in fact now the
examples servlet no longer works.
I must state, that I used the uriworkermap.properties-auto file as the
worker_mount_file in REGEDIT as described in the user manual.

Again any help would be greatly appreciated.  I have been struggling with this
now for over a week.

Ernie DiCicco

From: Randy Layman
Subject:  RE: Tomcat/IIS Installation Problem
Date:  Wed, 30 May 2001 10:44:09 -0400

     Your quandary is a mis-configuration.  Remove the virtual
directories from IIS, add the appropriate entries to
uriworkermap.properties, and then restart the IIS process (using the
Services Control Panel, or perform a machine restart, not the
buttons in IIS Admin)


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 10:52 AM
> Subject: Tomcat/IIS Installation Problem
> Gentlemen:
> I have installed a copy of Tomcat 3.2.1 onto an IIS system.
> I can process the
> "/examples/jsp/index.html" example fine.  I am trying to make
> two custom
> applications work in this same environment with no success.
> I have created two new directories under "Tomcat/webapps"
> when I start up
> Tomcat, the servlet log file indicates that it sees these new
> application
> directories:
>      2001-05-25 03:05:25 - path="/examples" :jsp: init
>      2001-05-25 03:05:26 - path="/admin" :jsp: init
>      2001-05-25 03:05:26 - path="/MachineHealthROI" :jsp: init
>      2001-05-25 03:05:27 - path="/PMQualityROI" :jsp: init
>      2001-05-25 03:05:27 - path="" :jsp: init
>      2001-05-25 03:05:28 - path="/test" :jsp: init
> If I specify a request to an application as follows:
>      http://localhost/PMQualityROI/index.jsp or
> http://localhost/PMQualityROI, I
>  get a 404 "file not found" error.
> If I create a virtual directory within IIS for an
> application, When I access the
>  application as follows:
>      http://localhost/MachineHealth/ROI/index.jsp or
> http://localhostMachineHealthROI, I get a 403 "no
> authorization" error.
> Could you posibly supply and additional information, which
> might help me out of
> my quandry?
> Thank-you for any help you can give me.
> Ernie DiCicco

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