You could perhaps solve this with some Javascript tricks.  On the page with
the forms, check the fields before submitting and set some value in a hidden
field to pass it on to your bean.

I do this with check boxes because if they're not checked, they don't send
form data, yet I wanted to capture that "unchecked" event and pass it to my
bean.  I use Javascript on the checkbox to update a hidden field
(itemChecked) to "yes" or "no" and then use THIS field in my bean rather
than the actual check box.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 11:49 AM
Subject: RE: What is the value of auto-assigning beans?

Yes, I considered that, but I need the values to persist.   The only data
in the bean that needs to change in the bean is the data that corresponds
to the form fields.  Perhaps the answer is to have several beans that
expire every request, but if you need to persist the data, you still end up
copying all of the elements from one spot to another.  So I'm still left
with the question of Is auto-assigning worth the trouble.


                    Jann VanOver

                    <Jann.VanOver@lo        To:
"'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'"                  
          >              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


                    30-05-01 12:07          Subject:     RE: What is the
value of auto-assigning beans? 

                    Please respond

                    to tomcat-user



If you don't want the values to persist, don't put the bean in the
scope.  Try "page" or "request" and then it will get new values each time.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:59 AM
Subject: What is the value of auto-assigning beans?

This question may be asked out of ignorance, but it seems to me that using
the tag:

<jsp:useBean id="MyBean" scope="session" class="Test.MyBean" />
<jsp:setProperty name="MyBean" property="*" />

to assign values from form fields to the bean is of limited use.

Let's assume that there are 2 text fields, A and B on Jsp1.jsp, with B
being required.  I have some code that checks to make sure B is populated,
if it's not, the browser returns to Jsp1.jsp.

The problem I run into is that I can populate A with a value, submit the
form, get returned to Jsp1.jsp, delete A and populate B, submit the form,
and continue.  I how have values for both A and B, even though A was blank.

I suspect that I'm not the first person to ask this question, is there an
obvious solution that I missed, if not, what do other people do to get
around this problem; do all of the assignements by hand?



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