On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Krishna Kishore Thotakura wrote:

>  There is X server running on the machine running the WEb Server. I'm running
> Red Hat 7.0. The servlet runs fine when i am logged onto the WEb server m/c. 
> I think that the Servlet is able to access the X-Server while i am logged in but
> it is unable to access it after i log out. 
> Please let me know if i need to make any changes in the configuration files
> of X11-library in order to allow, tomcat-java process that i started in the
> background, to access the X-Server.

I have had the same problem but I think I finally reached a solution. The
important thing is to set DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY in your startup script.


You have to check that XAUTHORITY points at the file written by the
Xserver at startup. We had some problems with Xvnc sometimes putting the
file in the / directory. I think we solved that by specifying -auth
/root/.Xauthority while running vnc.

We have however experienced other problems with our setup (tomcat just
hangs or exits). We have not tracked down the problem yet, however, if you
experience similar things it may be something with the images. I have been
thinking of doing something like http://www.eteks.com/pja/en/ (PJA
Toolkit). Since it is GPL I can't use their code (or can I?) and keep
my. Anyone know about a similar project with another license?


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