> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 4:25 AM
> Subject: Questions about Tomcat Cookies
> Hi,
> I have used tomcat as standalone and w/ apache also.
> In my applications , session tracking is working fine.
> To the best of my knowledge , Tomcat does session tracking by combining use
> of
> 1) Cookies
> 2) URL re-writing.
> My browser alerts me , when tomcat tries to set the cookie.
> But when i see cookies folder of my Win NT machine
> (C:\Winnt\profiles\Administrator\cookies) , I didn't found any cookie by
> 1) If the cookies are not found in the directory , where are they ?
> 2) If I disable cookies in the browser , still session tracking will work ?
> 3) What exact combination does tomcat uses of cookies + URL re-writing
> 4) If Tomcat is used with Apache , then which one sets the cookies ?
> TIA & Regards,
> -Amit.
> Sansui Software Pvt. Ltd.

Hi :-)  about "who is First selected for making-session: cookies or
please see the following email:


n Sun, 20 May 2001, Robert Nicholson wrote:

> Question... how I force it to rewrite the URL to support url rewriting even
> if the browser supports cookies?

In 3.2, look in "conf/server.xml" for the string


and change it to


IIRC, this change is global to all webapps in this JVM.

In 4.0, the <Context> element includes a "cookies" attribute that you can
use to turn cookies on or off on a per-webapp basis.  It defaults to
"true", so turn them off like this:

        <Context path="/examples" ... cookies="false" ...>

Craig McClanahan


so I think:
- by default,  TOMCAT will cookies
- but I also can ask TOMCAT to use URLre-writing,  no matter
  the browser supports cookies or not

June 06, 2001

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