
If  you are on Windows 9x/ME, make sure to limit pathnames to <= 8

Better start with the basic file (tomcat.bat), and then add the missing
variables, which are typically :
(adapt for your own environment)
set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3
set TOMCAT_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat3.2.2 (or whatever)
set CLASSPATH=C:\jdk1.3\lib\tools.jar

The classpath does not need to explicitly include files from

Another thing that can help is to modify server.xml and in the section
tc_log, add the filename
marked in comments, so you will get something in TOMCAT_HOME\logs\tomcat.log

This will force all messages that appear in the  DOS window to be written in
this file.
Otherwise the message is written so fast and the window is closed so fast
that you do not see any error message.


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