Everything seemed to be working perfectly yesterday...

Today I tried adding a new Context to server.xml (Tomcat 4.0 beta 5
milestone) and an appropriate WebAppDeploy line to my apache 1.3.20
config (since I'm using the WebApp module not mod_jk). Obviously that
was the wrong thing to do and everything stopped working.

Having removed the new Context and WebAppDeploy line and restarted
everything (and rebooted), apache still won't serve pages.  Tomcat
will, on port 8080.  But once I add in

WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples/

apache goes into a sulk and I have no more httpd daemons.

BTW, adding 

WebAppInfo /info

into apache's config file, has never shown me anything on
http://localhost:8080/info/.  Should it?

Daf Tregear                             Department of Computer Science
Systems Manager                         University of Manchester
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                Oxford Road
Tel: +44 (0)161 275 6227                Manchester
Fax: +44 (0)161 275 6236                United Kingdom      M13 9PL

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