 I had some html file with relative path to images,html files.... .
 Then i start used <servlet-mapping> on web.xml and all the relative path
cause 404 error.
 I found (by enable debuging on server.xml) that the URI is missing the
'context' (which is 'gpp')
 without servlet mapping - 

2001-06-13 11:26:14 - ContextManager: ProcessRequest: R(
2001-06-13 11:26:14 - ContextManager: After processing: R( /gpp +
/html/main/blue.html + null)

 with servlet mapping   

2001-06-13 11:29:03 - ContextManager: ProcessRequest: R(
2001-06-13 11:29:03 - ContextManager: After processing: R(  +
/html/main/blue.html + null)
2001-06-13 11:29:03 - ContextManager: No handler for request R(  +
/html/main/blue.html + null) 404
2001-06-13 11:29:03 - Ctx(  ): 404 R(  + /html/main/blue.html + null) null
2001-06-13 11:29:03 - Ctx(  ): Handler tomcat.notFoundHandler(null/null)

 Note that the request without mapping conatins the context=gpp and with
servlet mapping its miss.
Any idea ? 

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