Thank you all for your time. 
My mistake was in the web.xml file. When I changed 

<url-pattern>*</url-pattern> to: <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>

the BASIC auth started working.   

Christopher Lambrou,
CGL Computer Services, Inc.
Empire State Building, 
PMB 16J Suite 3304 
New York, NY 10118
Tel: (212) 971-9723
Fax: (212) 564-1135

On 6/14/2001 02:47:42, you said:
>Below is good advice. If the login page does not
>come up (btw, what happens does it just take you 
>direct to the protected resource?) the first place I would
>look is the tomcat config files. So basically I would 
>double-check server.xml and the web-xml for your app.
>If you are sure they are correct and you still have a problem
>you might want to try posting the relevant sections to the list. 
>If you do get JDBCRealm working with tomcat standalone then
>to integrate with apache you need to add
>JkMount /examples/jsp/security/login/j_security_check ajp13  
>(or ajp12 if using mod_jserv) to httpd.conf to tell apache
>to delegate the handling of this bit of magic to tomcat.
>On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, you wrote:
>> > Mark, I appreciate your help.   I have tried 
>> > to adapt the examples and I believe I have everything 
>> > in place.  However, apache just wont bring the login 
>> > form when I try to access a protected resource. 
>> > Would you have any idea where to look at for this problem?  
>> You might want to check and see if you can get a
>> JDBCRealm to work with tomcat standalone(i.e. accessing
>> you site as http://localhost:8080/... directly).
>> If this doesn't work get this working first and
>> that's a good place to start from.  Once you have
>> JDBCRealm working correctly then you can deal with
>> making sure it works when passed through apache.
>> ---
>> Michael Wentzel
>> Software Developer
>> Software As We Think -

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