
Thanx a mil!!!  I removed Tomcat & JRE.  I then installed the full JSE and
then Tomcat.  I ran "tomcat run" and guess what?  It worked.  You don't know
how good that made me feel.  But, I'm sure that I'll be asking more
questions as I forge ahead.  Many thanx!


-----Original Message-----
From: dim [mailto:dim]On Behalf Of Dmitri Colebatch
Sent: 16 June 2001 06:23
Subject: Re: FW: newbie: Starting Tomcat

You tried Jim's suggestion of removing the test.war as well as the test
directory.  Maybe some background might help you:  When tomcat starts
up, it looks in the directory %TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps and any directories
or war files it finds it will attempt to create a context for.  THat is
what the following says:

> > > 2001-06-12 04:16:19 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /test )

So if you have removed the test.war and the test directory, and then
restarted, you shouldn't see that error.  Can you confirm for me that
the command

dir %TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps\test*

doesn't find any files or directories?  If that doesn't find anything,
and you still get the above output from the startup, then something odd
is happening and I think the best bet would be to delete the entire
tomcat install and start from scratch.

hope this helps

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