Hi, this may sound remedial but I was hoping someone can clear jsp up for me. 
Java Servelets are executed by inputting the necessary information in the 
web.xml. This would include the servlet name, servlet class name, and the 
name you want it to be called as when called from browser. This much I know 
about the servlets. However because I am new to JSP I don't how to set it up 
and execute. Is it similar to the servlet process? Do you even have to put in 
an entry in the web.xml file. The examples given with jakarta does clarify 
much because all of the examples are executed by putting in the directory and 
.jsp file name in the browser url, obviously you couldn't put the directory 
name when executing by requesting like this:


I am doing my research by reading books and all but I would also appreciate 
some feedback from the public. 

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