Hmm...I can certainly send you the config files Orcas uses to work with
Tomcat. I'll try and dig them out (off site at the moment - back next week).
One way to communicate with an EJB container without any config problems at
all, is to use RMI.You bind an RMI object at your EJB container's machine,
which will act as a proxy to the EJB (mine is in fact called
CentralServerProxy). Your servlets then act as an RMI client. All you have
to do to get this to work is run tomcat with a security manager (so you'll
need java 2, and you have to uncomment the relevent line out of your
server.xml), start an RMI security manager before retrieving the reference
to the object, and tailor your tomcat.policy file to allow access (I ended
up granting everything full permissions because I couldn't be bothered to do
it properly :-) ). The beauty of this approach is that:
1.)Tomcat doesn't have to be on the same machine as your EJB container as
the communication is RMI (wouldn't be that secure though). It could even
work over the web (RMI is simply a Java specific layer on Corba).
2.) You abstract the underlying EJB container. Different containers might
require different configuration's for tomcat and the container itself to get
communication to work.
I can go into more detail if you want (I have the code here). It doesn't
take too long to setup, and you can easily protoype the system without an
EJB container behind your Proxy RMI object - you could equally just use JDBC
to connect to MySql or something. Using servlets as an RMI client is
outlines in the Servlet Programming book, in the odds and ends chapter I
think (left my copy at the office!).
Obviously you could use other communication mechanisms to abstract the
communication - we also use 1024 bit encrypted secure pipes to communicate
over the web between out central EJB server and client processes.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Luba Powell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: What are EJB

> You think so?  I will give in another chance.
> Can you send to me configurations for Tomcat/EJB?
> thank you.

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