Do the jsps work if you go to tomcat directly?

Vivek Bhaskaran wrote:
> Hey guys.. I have been looking at the archives and trying to figure out this
> problem for some time now -  I was wondering of any one of you guys faced
> the same problem and what the solution to this is :-
>     I have TC4.beta3 and apache 1.3.20. The webapp connector is installed as
> apxs and things work fine and the application is mounted. I can access all
> the Servlets that I have defined - And the output of the Servlets come thru
> to the browser. However when I access jsp pages the output does not come
> through. I know that the jsp pages are being compiled  - but after the jsp
> pages are compiled - No html is pumped to the browser. No I am a little bit
> baffled and was wondering if any one of you guys experienced the same
> problem ???
>     Even if you do not have the same problem can anyone give me some
> pointers that I can look towards.
>     Thanks guys...
> -vivek

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