I don't see why this wouldn't be possible.  On the Win2K you would
install the isapi_redirect.dll (see the IIS-Tomcat how to).  In the
workers.properties file you specify the location of the actual worker - this
would be the private IP of the Linux computer.  The only possible sticking
point here would be if the IIS process has access to the second network card
(I don't see why it wouldn't, but you never know with those silly MS

        My suggested implementation plan would go:
        1.  Install Tomcat on the Win2K machine and make it work
        2.  Install the isapi_redirect on Win2K and connect to localhost
        3.  Give the Linux machine a public address and reconfigure Win2K to
use the Linux worker (make sure to stop Tomcat on Win2K to make sure that
you're using the right machine)
        4.  Move the Linux computer to the private network and reconfigure
Win2K again.

        As you can probably tell, I'm suggesting taking little steps.  Lots
of people have plenty of problems with 1 and 2 and trying to do it all at
once might prove to be to much.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: mario libraro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 5:48 AM
> To: jakarta ml
> Subject: Public IP IIS and Private IP Tomcat?
> Hi all,
> i successifullt tested tomcat+apache on a single linux 
> server. What now
> a would to reach is to have a public-class-ip Win2000/IIS5 
> with a double
> net card who communicate with a private-class-ip linux server with
> tomcat. Someone thinks is it possible?
>              WIN 2000/IIS                  LINUX/Tomcat
>      |-----------|------------|  apj12/13  |----------|
> ---->| public ip | private ip |<---------->|private ip|
>      |-----------|------------|            |----------|
> Thanks a lot (i hope the schema is readable)
> :-)
> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Mario Libraro
> Progettazione & Sviluppo
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Fulltrading S.p.A.
> amm.:  50121 Firenze - Viale Matteotti, 9
> sede:  00153 Roma - Via Rosazza, 58
> cell.: +39 338 9753 962
>        +39 347 5205 752
> tel.:  +39 066 573 170
> fax:   +39 066 573 529
> web:   www.fulltrading.it
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "Grande disordine sotto il cielo...
> ...la situazione è ottima"
>                             Mao Tse-Tung

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