I just recently downloaded the tomcat 3.3m3 zip
to my Windows 2000 desktop.

When I go to http://localhost:8080, how does it 
know to go to the index.html file in my 
wepapps/ROOT directory? (I'm assuming this *is*
where it's going?)

In my server.xml file, I don't see a <Context>
tag like I've been reading about. But near the
end of that file it says something about how 
ContectXmlReader reads all the context definitions.

Near the top I do see: 
<ContectXmlReader config="conf/apps.xml">

But in that conf directory I don't see an
apps.xml. However I do see:


Is the apps- being read somehow?
Can someone explain the process of what happens
from the time you enter localhost:8080 in your
browser, to how the page gets served up?


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