
I'm using Apache with mod_jk and Tomcat for jsps and servlets. JSP is without 
problem, but servlet don't want to run. Because informations about absolute path 
of requested document is written to terminal, where Tomcat was started, I found 
out that servlet (URI: 
http://poseidon.bgs.sk:4444/intranet/WEB-INF/classes/Hello) is not translated 
from relative to absolute path - nothing apears on terminal.

I think, that Apache don't redirect this request to Tomcat (or appropriate 
worker)... my httpd.conf has this section:

<VirtualHost poseidon.bgs.sk:4444>
        ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        DocumentRoot /export/home/virgo/web-data
        <Location /export/home/virgo/web-data>
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride None
                SetHandler default-handler
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all
        ServerName poseidon.bgs.sk
        JkMount /*.jsp virgo
        JkMount /intranet/* virgo
        ErrorLog /opt/oracle/ias/product/8.1.7/Apache/Apache/logs/error4444_log
        TransferLog /opt/oracle/ias/product/8.1.7/Apache/Apache/logs/access4444_

*.jsp works good, but second JkMount not... I tried many versions of second 
field of that line - but nothing. Always 404 Forbidden (Apache signed on the 
bottom of page ;-))... How I have to force Apache to redirect requests for 
servlets (eg. for URI specified upper) to Tomcat (or worker called virgo in my 

Thanks for any suggestion

Richard Richter ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Application Programmer, Business Global Systems a. s.

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