> When a Tomcat session times out does it send you to a preset error page?
> What is the mechanism there?
> What is the best way to handle timed out users?

Hi :-)  I suggest you make a object witch implements
javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener, and put object into a session

by "setAttibute(...)", then:
- when that object is "bounded" into session, "valueBound(...) will be
   by container

- when the session is timeout/inValidate(...),   that object will be
  then "valueUnbound(...) will be called by container

the following is a sample code from Servlet-List:

class CleanUp implements HttpSessionBindingListener{
   private String name;

   public CleanUp(String name){
      this.name = name;

   public void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent evt){
      System.out.println("in CleanUp, valueBound..., name="+name);

   public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent evt){
      System.out.println("in CleanUp, valueUnBound..., name="+name);

in MyServlet:
session.setAttribute( "Cleaner", new CleanUp(...) );

- if CleanUp.class is in WEB-INF/classes or in a jar file in WEB-INF/lib,
   it will be loaded by WebappClassloader
- if CleanUp.class is in TOMCAT_HOME/classes or in a jar file in
   TOMCAT_HOME/lib, it will be loaded by SharedClassloader

June 22, 2001

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