
3 things:

1. inside the webapps/cpl directory create another called WEB-INF 
(case-sensitive) and inside that put the web.xml.  
2. also in the WEB-INF directory create a classes directory and put your 
servlet in there.  
3. in the web.xml you will need a servlet definition if you want to map it by 
name, eg:

hope this helps.


On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 18:56, you wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm beginner with TOMCAT, which means maybe my question is too simple for
> you, but it is really "advanced" to me. I would like get help with the
> following: I have Cocoon installed together with TOMCAT and it is working
> perfectly. I would like to use cocoon to handle the presentation issues of
> my site. However, I would like to have my own "servlet",which means, I
> would like to use my own directory (let's say, /webapps/cpl ) instead of
> having my things inside the Cocoon's directory (/webapps/cocoon). My
> problem starts when I try do display a xml page (lets say
> /cpl/prms/getparms.xml) that is placed within my directory.
> I configured my "/cpl/web.xml" as shown below and I think because of that
> the invocation of "/cpl/prms/getparms.xml" is not sent to Cocoon rather to
> my servlet "/cpl". Is this correct and if it is, is there anything I can do
> in order to send that call directly to Cocoon?
> <servlet-mapping>
> <servlet-name>cpl</servlet-name>
> <url-pattern>/cpl</url-pattern>
> </servlet-mapping>
> Thank you in advance for your kind attention,
> Celson

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