Thanks all but I found my problem and it's me. I'm my own worst enemy. I was invalidating the session is I didn't find JServSessionId in the url. I forgot to take that code out when I changed to Tomcat. Oops.
Carry on......
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 4:05 PM
Subject: invalid sessions with jsp and url rewriting

I am currently changing from using jserv to using tomcat. I have a jsp website that has been working fine and still works fine under jserv but when I run it under tomcat, my sessions are becoming invalidated. I'm using url rewriting and I have noticed that tomcat is using the ';jsessionid=*?' format instead of the '?JServSessionId=*' format of jserv.
There are 2 different situations where this occurs in:
1) When setting up HTML frames - My index.jsp sets up 3 HTML frames, each calling a different jsp file. With tomcat, most of the time the 3rd frame's jsp gets a new session instead of the one created in index.jsp. Once in a while it does get the same session, but its not reliable.
2) When using the jsp:include - Most of my jsp pages use jsp:include to include another 'global' jsp file. With tomcat, a new session is created every time in the 'included' jsp.
Seems to work fine otherwise.
Software versions:
Apache 1.3.12
Jakarta-Tomcat 3.2.1 with mod_jk module
Windows 2000 5.00.2195
Anyone have any ideas?

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