I installed j2sdk-1.2.2 and jakarta-tomcat-4.0
this morning. I set JAVA_HOME and TOMCAT_HOME
in my /etc/profile started tomcat by executing
/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/bin/start and all
seemed to go O.K.

I fired up x window and was naive to believe
that I could just enter http://localhost:8080
in the location bar of netscape and be able to
see the tomcat homepage.

It didn't work and I started to wonder whether what
I wanted to do was possible and if so how. Maybe some
files defining localhost are not quite as they should

> Good luck.
Thanks I may need it :)


On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, D. Jay Newman wrote:

> > I should add that I wanted to know if it is
> > possible to install and use tomcat for test
> > purposes. That is to develop and test programs
> > at home and not make them available on the internet
> > - not at least from my home machine.
> You can install Tomcat on a home machine. There doesn't need to be
> any connection to the internet other than to download all the stuff
> you need (Tomcat, Java, that sort of thing).
> I have Tomcat installed on a linux machine at home without any problems.
> Setup could be easier, but its not a difficult task either. I created
> a startup script for rc.d/init.d so that it would startup automatically.
> I believe the license allows you to do pretty much whatever you want with
> Tomcat.

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