On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Mario Vera wrote:

> Hi!!
> I have a little problem.
> I have Tomcat 3.1 installed on SUN 10000, near to 200 users use the
> application. This causes that the application becomes very slow (Is a WEB
> GIS).
> I have just one Tomcat instance running on sun system. I believe that maybe
> if turn on another instance next to the current one, the speed could
> improve.
> Is it correct and possible?

It's worth trying it. I think it that 2 instances perform better than one,
especially if you have enough memory. But that's just a guess.

> How I can have several instances running at the same time?

You have to start each instance with an own server.xml file (use the -f
parameter). Example: server1.xml and server2.xml. You have to set the
ports of your connectors also differently for each instance (e.g. ajp12
connector of server 1 to 8007 and of server 2 8009) in their server xml
file. The next thing you have to do (I don't think that you want that
your user connect to 2 different ports) is to set up an apache http
server, wich directs jsp or servlet request to server1 or server2. This is
done using the apache module mod_jk.
This is also described in some of the how-to's. Take a look for further
information here:


Mag. Peter Hrastnik
tele.ring Telekom Service GmbH
A-1030 Wien, Hainburgerstr. 33
Tel.: +43/1/931012/3277, Mobil: +43/650/6503277

> Regards.
> Aprovechando que hay mucha gente que habla español, va la versión en
> español.
> Hola
> Tengo un pequeño problema.
> Tengo instalado Tomcat 3.1 en Sun 10000, 200 usuarios aproximadamente
> utilizan la aplicación. Esto provoca que la aplicación sea muy lenta (es un
> sistema de información geografica para Internet).
> Tengo solamente una instancia de Tomcat corriendo en el sistema. Creo que si
> corro otra instancia de Tomcat, la velocidad mejorará.
> ¿Es correcto y posible esto?
> ¿Como puedo tener varias instancias de Tomcat corriendo al mismo tiempo.
> Gracias!!
> PD. como se podran dar cuenta, soy uno mas de la comunidad de habla hispana.

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