We have to finish this conversation ASAP.

I want to add to you. I am a ERP consultant, you know
SAP or Oracle, I am in Oracle arena. This software
cost US$100.000

My experience is Oracle is SUCK, even the support,
They sell software "WITH THOUSAND BUGS" and this make
make they pay me more .. haha .. strange business.

Oracle #2 in the world but they got a bugs in their
application esp Oracle Application (ERP). 

Oh yah, one thing, Oracle made a 1000 pages
documentation permodule (Oracle have more than 48
modules) .. God... 48.000 pages, and still not enough
for me as a consultant.

My college is SAP consultant, said that too, SAP is
more complicated.

I learn from this week (speaking SUCK everyday)..We
have to try to improve tomcat, tomcat "must be" a
foundation all apache project (JetSpeed, Cocoon,
Turbine etc). Because we all in one brand name
apache.org. We have to help each others.

We all got a good lesson, why don't we think we will
better than commercial software later, and we can be
like Great Bridge in listed in Fortune with their

Oke, Who will create tomcat-doc mailing list.. I need
that.. but... what happen if there is a syntax, and
all the tomcat-doc mailing list got problem.

Basically, the question of syntax is

- Description
- Sample

Just it.

I think we need tomcat-user and tomcat-dev members


--- Arnold Shore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Re " ... It replaced JRUN some time ago (which
> really SUCKS by the way) ..."
> Peter, can share your thoughts here re exactly how? 
> We're looking at a few
> JSP engines, and am really short of
> <em>informed</em> opinions.  Thanks.
> Arnold Shore
> Annapolis, MD USA
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Peter
> Mutsaers
> Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 2:39 AM
> Subject: Re: TOMCAT SUCKS
> ... On Tomcat specifically, I can only say that I'm
> running Tomcat4 beta-5
> for a critical Intranet server. It replaced JRUN
> some time ago (which
> really SUCKS by the way).
> Documenation ...

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