We're using PoolMan 2.0.x with Tomcat 3.2.x without too many problems.

PoolMan does respond rather violently when it can't find its configuration
file - which is "poolman.xml" in version 2.  I put this in
$TOMCAT_HOME/classes and it appears to be found OK.

If PoolMan doesn't find its configuration file, it ends up throwing a
NullPointerException however, I've never seen this floor Tomcat - you just
get an exception in the logs.

How are you using PoolMan from within Tomcat?  We just import it into our
servlets and call PoolMan.findDataSource("MyDataSource") to retrieve a data
source from it and then call ds.getConnection() to force initialisation.

One difference is that we're on Solaris with JDK 1.3.1 and you have a W2K

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Barre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 11:25 AM
Subject: PoolMan woes

I am trying to get PoolMan and TomCat to play nicely together.
I am developing on Win2k, Tomcat 3.2.

My first attempt was to use version 2.0.4 of Poolman with Tomcat 3.2...upon
PoolMan.jsp, Tomcat stops running. No errors, no warnings, its terminal
window just
vanishes. I tried increasing the heap size, but that didn't seem to help.

Next I tried installing PoolMan 1.4.1. This doesn't crash TomCat but
mysteriously it can't
find its poolman.props file. I've tried putting it in directories that I'm
positive are in my ClassPath without luck.

I've read the docs pretty extensively I think, but can't seem to come up
with an answer.
My overall goal is to simply add connection pooling to tomcat. If anyone can
give me some
pointers, thanks in advance.


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