At 16:24 04/07/2001 +0300, you wrote:

>I wanted to ask if there is a way to add more jars to the classpath
>environment when Tomcat starts ?
>Currently I am linking jar files to the lib directory. Is there
>a way to tell Tomcat to load jars from carious directories ?

The tomcat version have different implementation for that, meanwhile you can :

those will add the jars for every webapps
- simply add your jar to the common CLASSPATH
- edit the script (,, or the .bat version) to add you jar 
(using the -cp:/myjar/toto.jar;/myjar/myfunny.jar;.; ... syntaxe)
- add the jars in $TOMCAT_HOME/lib

those will add the jars to a specific webapp.
- add the jars in $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/myfunnywebapp/WEB-INF/lib

hope this helps

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