
I am running IIS 4 on NT Server with Tomcat 3.2.2

I have IIS set up to receive SSL requests (not tomcat).

This has proven successfull on my development box. Where i have been able to
use the following code to get the serial number of the certificate sent with
a SSL request.


However I am having problems on my production box using this code.
The serial number seems to be truncated - only by 2 characters - however
this is 2 characters too many.
If this helps it is truncated to 46 characters.

I cannot seem to find any configuration problems. Has anybody ran into this
problem or have they got any idea how to fix this.

I was hoping it was just a checkbox that says truncate
CertificateSerialNumber to 46 characters but alas it isnt.


Please help me!



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