Hi Carlos:

As I understand it, you want the JSP/servlet pages processed through Tomcat,
but other files handled by Apache - correct?

If so, then is it possible that Apache doesn't know where to find the other
files?  You need to have a mapping like this in your httpd.conf:

        Alias /mycontext /path-to-mycontext/web

You may also have to set options on the directory, depending on the setup of
your Apache server.  Tomcat automatically generates configuration options
for Apache when it starts up - see conf/tomcat-apache.conf.  In most cases
you can simply use Apache's Include directive to include this file in your
Apache configuration.  If your setup is more complicated (e.g. virtual
hosts), at least the tomcat-apache.conf gives you a decent starting point.

Greg Trasuk.
StratusCom Manufacturing Systems - We use technology to turn information to
profits on your plant floor.

-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos Ferrão [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 10:26 PM
Subject: RE: other files than jsp not processed by tomcat+mod_jk+apache

        My http.conf loads the mod_jk.conf file in tomcat/conf. This file has a
/mycontext/*.jsp ajp12
The jsp's are executing through apache fine. Other files like html/gif's are
not found under my subcontext. The result is a page with my jsp processed
but without images and proper CSS formatting.
My WAR file has:


        Best Regards,
        Carlos Ferrao

-----Original Message-----
From: Vinay Menon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: sábado, 7 de Julho de 2001 12:53
Subject: Re: other files than jsp not processed by tomcat+mod_jk+apache

your httpd.conf should explicitly say /context/*.jsp I believe.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carlos Ferrão" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 6:08 AM
Subject: other files than jsp not processed by tomcat+mod_jk+apache

> Hello list,
> I'm running Tomcat3.2.2 embedded in JBoss.
> I integrated tomcat with apache through mod_jk in order to avoid
> http://url:8080 port specification and to make apache process the html.
> My problem is that under a context in Tomcat only the jsp files are
> processed. It doesn't find any images or html files and it doesn't process
> them. How should I configure tomcat so .jsp files are processed by tomcat
> but html/images files under my tomcat context are processed by apache??
> If I access to my context through http://url:8080/mycontext, tomcat's http
> port everything runs fine.
> My war file is deployed in Jboss's deploy dir but this shouldn't be a
> problem.
> Yours desperate,
> Carlos Ferrao

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