Assuming your using Tomcat standalone, make sure your key store
pass word and your key pass word are the same. Yes, which means
you can store one key in your keystore. I ran into this little
hitch myself. I wasn't able to get tomcat standalone to work ssl
any way though. If you do let me know how you did it.
At 05:25 AM 7/11/2001, you wrote:
> I´ve got the Tomcat/SSL Howto from the jakarta Project webpage. In the
>last step of "Importing SSL certificates", i´ve got some trouble. The
>output of the command "keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias tomcat
>-file CERT.pem" was this:
>Enter keystore password: changeit
>keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Public keys in reply and keystore
>don't match
>What happened? How can I fix it?
>I hope you can help me...
>Thanks beforehands
>Antonio Terceiro
>Bolsista do projeto SIDOC
>CPD/UFBA - Divisão de Projetos