You should not put your webapps classes in the system classpath. Tomcat startup 
script builds classpath dynamically based on content of $TOMCAT_HOME/lib, etc. 
Unset you CLASSPATH and try to start tomcat. Should help. 

                                      - Boris

>I am trying to run Tomcat on Linux 2.2.  I have been able to run Tomcat with
>JRE1.2, but not been able to run any of the example jsp's (i have been able
>to run the servlets).
>I think i've set the CLASSPATH properly
>(TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/example/WEB-INF/classes, TOMCAT_HOME/src).  Again, no
>Do I need to upgrade my java?  If so, which?  I believe that TOMCAT_HOME and
>JAVA_HOME have been set properly.
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