
I have searched the archives and have found a couple of postings that refer
to the problem I'm having, but was not able to find solutions.  I'm using
Tomcat 3.1 with Apache, but the problem appears to exist in Tomcat 3.2 as

I have been using Tomcat for months now without any major problems.  Apache
serves up the index.html, and Tomcat serves up the .jsp's.  I suddenly began
having problems about three weeks ago.  Sometimes, Tomcat seems to have
problems loading all the frames in the frameset.  The top right and top
centre pages will load, but the top left, left nav frame, and main page do
not load.  I don't know if I should be looking exclusively at Tomcat as the
source of the problem, but it seemed to be the place to go, since the
problem exists regardless of how the HTML is displayed (using Javascript to
print it or just setting the tags).  I at first thought that the problem
might be the result of using Javascript to set the frames.  Then, I checked
the archives and found that a couple of other people have come across this

I'm hoping that someone out there can make a suggestion.  Could this be a
Linux problem?  Is there any reason why installing Postfix would affect
Tomcat?  I know that's a long shot, but that was the last thing I installed
and configured before getting this problem, so I'm mentioning it.  At the
same time, I've found that Netscape hangs on the Linux computer.  That's why
I'm thinking that maybe Linux is the problem (Redhat 6.2), if it isn't

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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