First off, I'm running Tomcat 4b5 (standalone) on Linux RedHat 7.1.

I've been looking at (and learning from) the Java Pet Store from Sun and
have been writing some custom Taglibs for my application.  I'm currently doing
lists of things that use the NextFormTag and PrevFormTag extensions from
a jsp file/program.  These tags generate <form> elements to move to the next
and previous pages where you specify the "action" of the form.  Here is an
example (snippet):

       <opf:prevForm action="/cust/listorders">
         <input type="submit" value="Prev" name="Prev"/>
       <opf:nextForm action="/cust/listorders">
         <input type="submit" value="Next" name="Next"/>

This generates the following HTML output:

    <form method="GET" action="/cust/listorders">
    <input type="hidden" name="orderlist_startIndex" value="5">
    <input type="hidden" name="orderlist_next" value="true">
    <input type="submit" value="Next" name="Next"/>

I'm having trouble specifying the action element of the form.  From above,
listorders is actually a JSP file.  I need to provide a mapping from the
actual JSP file "/cust/listorders.jsp" to "/cust/listorders" but I'm not sure
how to go about it.

I tried to put the following in my web.xml file but it didn't work:


When I click the Next button I get the following in my browser:

    HTTP Status 404 - /cust/listorders
    The requested resource (/cust/listorders) is not available. 

Can anyone help?  I searched the archives at mikal but didn't come up with
anything that was applicable.

Many thanks,

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