
Your default server and virtual server are using the SAME IP AND SAME PORT
no., right ?
What did you put in the NameVirtualHost ? should be the IP of the default
server, right ?

According to the documentation, you have to set the IP to either way ( not
100% sure, but I read before )

But, why don't you put your default sever into the virtual host too ?? If it
can be only recognize by the NAME
the client enter in the browser.

Another solution is you are going to set another IP for all virtual host,
but it involves modifying the DNS entries.


-----Original Message-----
From: Connie Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 9:25 PM
Subject: apache + tomcat + virtual hosts

Currently, I'm using apache with tomcat.  I have set up the server such
that it serves a default web server, ssl server (being set up as a
virtual host with using port 443), and a virtual host (with using port
80).  But the document root for default web server and virtual host is
mixed up. My virtual host and default web server are using the same IP
address. When I type the default web server, the welcome file for
virtual host displays. When I type the virtual host, the welcome file
for the virtual host displays as well. However, if I specify port 8080
(the HTTP port for tomcat) in the url (for testing tomcat only without
going thru apache), the default web url would display the correct
welcome page. 
In my httpd.conf, I have declared 
DocumentRoot d:/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/myapp
DocumentRoot d:/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/vh1 
JkMount /*.jsp ajp12 
JkMount /servlet/* ajp12 
JkMount /email/* ajp12 
<Directory "d:/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/vh1/META-INF/"> 
AllowOverride None 
deny from all 
<Directory "d:/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/vh1/WEB-INF/"> 
AllowOverride None 
deny from all 

Do I miss anything? 


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