
i am facing a lot of problems with tomcat 3.2.1

the ssl direct has alreadi cause me a lot of problems
i tried to import certs of v3 and try to let it run as
a server cert but it doesn't work
the default tomcat webpage cannot be display 
and the tomcat shows these error msg 
2001-03-22 03:47:18 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
        2001-03-22 03:47:18 - Ctx(  ): IOException in:
R( /) Socket closed

but when i try 
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA

the v1 cert works and ssl can be working

please reply me as soon as possible because i have
alreadi dwell on this problem for a very long time 
and i think i am going mad alreadi.The internet
doesn't really help much... 

please give me the solutions in detail and as simple
to understand as possible....

please i really appreciate your help....thanks....

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