Sorry this isnt pertaining to Tomcat
but thought it worthwhile it sure
ticks me off!
----- Original Message -----
From: ayman E.
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 3:17 PM
Subject: [seajug] Micosoft to drop support for java

On the fist page of Wall Street Journal today there is an article stating that Microsoft is dropping support for java in its WindowsXP.  XP customers will have to download java plugin to execute java code (applets I suppose the article means).  Not only that, Windows will tighten security so much so that even java applets might be viewed as possible security threats!

Once I read that , I could not remember reading any thing this stupid for a long time:

1. How on earth is java a security threat?  Compared to word and other Microsoft Macros any thing is secure, I think!!

2. Microsoft says that users can change security settings on their XP/Browser and can just download a java support.  Is Microsoft OR any one in his/her right mind expect users to do this.  A process that requires computer savvys and more time than it might be worth it for some.

3.  I feel this is the end for client side java.  Do you agree?


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