On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Paul Foxton wrote:

| AFAIK tomcat doesn't support automatic reloading of classes. You do have to
| restart.

AFAIK all tomcats does support automatic reload, but it (at least 3.2)
sucks. If you have "very plain servlets", which doesn't put many "real"
objects into the HttpSession (just Strings, Longs and the like), then it
works pretty good. But if you try to use selfmade objects, you get hit by
severe ClassLoader issues (You'll get ClassCastExceptions all the time).

Tomcat 4 should work, but I haven't tested it yet. It uses a funky scheme
of serializing the whole Sessions stuff, and restarting the whole webapp,
and then "booting" it up again. What happens with singletons, I ask, but
haven't tested it yet, as mentioned.

Look at tomcat's xml configure file, it's a <auto-reload>'ish parameter,
turn it to true..


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