Actually that's how it was formatted.  I tried what someone else
suggested, using tabs instead of commas, and that worked.


On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Paul Kofon wrote:

><>I've never done what you'd like to do. But if I remember correctly, the CSV 
><>text below will display correctly in Excel:
><>You'd have two rows and two columns (with headers Item and Price) of data. 
><>If the CSV data you're feeding Excel is not formatted like this, then 
><>chances are that you'd get wrong results - that explains why your single row 
><>of data isn't showing up correctly.
><>>From: William Kaufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
><>>Subject: RE: Generate Excel File
><>>Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 17:58:12 -0700
><>>We've got it working exactly as you say, but only if the data is delimited
><>>with _tabs_, not _commas_.
><>>                                         -- Bill K.
><>> > -----Original Message-----
><>> > From: Erin Lester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
><>> > Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 2:21 PM
><>> > Subject: Generate Excel File
><>> >
><>> >
><>> > Hi, I'm trying to generate an excel file as the response
><>> > returned from a
><>> > servlet.  I have set the response's content type to
><>> > "application/" and this seems to cause excel to open.  The
><>> > data I return is comma separated values.
><>> >
><>> > Once upon a time I read on a newsgroup (don't think it was
><>> > this one) that
><>> > someone had done the same thing and excel interpreted the
><>> > data as a csv
><>> > file and it displayed nicely in excel.  Unfortunately excel
><>> > seems to think
><>> > that the entire row of comma separated values that I'm
><>> > sending it is one
><>> > single cell (not a row of cells which are the values between
><>> > the commas).
><>> >
><>> > Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong or of another way to
><>> > generate an
><>> > excel spreadsheet using JSP?
><>> >
><>> > Thanks!
><>> > Erin
><>> >
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