Depending on your JVM, you may be able to do a "break" (Ctrl+Break on
Windows, Ctrl+Y on several Unixes) in the window running Tomcat (or any Java
application) to get a stack trace.  Dunno how (or even if) it can be done on

Failing that, you could use jdb to connect to the Tomcat process, enter
"stop", then "where all" to get a stack dump.

                                        -- Bill K. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ivan E. Markovic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 4:28 AM
> Subject: Tracking Threads inside Tomcat
> Importance: High
> I hope that someone will be able to help.
> I have tomcat 3.2 running on a Sun Solaris platform and on my Mac 
> OS-X. But after 5 to 10 hours Tomcat reaches some kind of deadlock on 
> the Sun. Now I know that this is NOT a Tomcat issue, it is my code.
> But due to the length of time it takes to get to this stage it is 
> very hard to debug. But I believe that it is a problem related to 
> Threads not completing; for some reason. is there any way that I can 
> trace the Threads, check their Stack Trace or something? I only have 
> access remotely via a terminal window.
> Thank you.
> I v a n ...
> Ivan Markovic
> SculptLight
> (+353) 87 2939256
> (+353) 1 2982205
> 114 Lower Churchtown Rd,
> Dublin 14,
> Ireland.
> -- 

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