On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, zze-messager FTM balr002 wrote:

> Is anyone can give me an exemple of a a digest authentification? a
> form ? a basic ? Is is possible to decalre two groups of users with
> differents authorizations ?

The standard Tomcat "/examples" webapp includes a URL that is protected by
form-based authentication.  Try the following URL:


Other notes of interest:

* Tomcat 3.2 does not support DIGEST authentication, although 4.0 does.

* The login method used is declared on a per-webapp basis, using
  the <login-config> element in the "/WEB-INF/web.xml" file.  You will
  also need to add appropriate security constraints to define what
  URLs are protected.  See the servlet spec for more information:


* How Tomcat actually looks up users and roles is something you can
  configure in the server.xml file (in a manner that is Tomcat version
  dependent).  By default, Tomcat loads an XML file at starutp time
  from (conf/tomcat-users.xml), but this is just a proof of concept --
  real applications would use the JDBCRealm feature in order to tell
  Tomcat to load users and roles from a database.  (Under Tomcat 4, you
  can also use JNDIRealm to access a directory server).

> Delphine  

Craig McClanahan

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