Actually, the design of the website and the related docs is very poor. And
when I last visited there were empty pages, bits missing, and stuff tha
didnt want to display on Mozilla (any version). I think that was the 'server
administration' section.


On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 07:53:44AM +1000, Dmitri Colebatch wrote:
> yes there is, its all of two clicks away from the home page of
> tomcat.  could _everyone_ posting messages that perhaps could be answered
> without taking other people's time up make an effort to answer the
> question themselves before posting on the list.  by all means if you cant
> find it, post - but as someone who answers questions, I can tell you I
> feel a _lot_ more compelled to answer questions where it is clear the
> person asking has made a reasonable effort to answer the question
> themselves.
> cheesr
> dim
> On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Luiz Olavo Bonino wrote:
> > Is there any document that shows how to install Tomcat on a Windows 2000 and IIS 5 
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Luiz Olavo
> > 

John Baker, BSc CS.               
Java developer, Linux lover.
I don't wanna rock, DJ.

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