Nice, thank you, I will check it out.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Robson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: request for suggestions on how to secure a web application....

>Hi Peter,
>  Have you looked at Realms? This allows you to specify a set of resources
>(html, jsp, servlets etc) to be protected in your web.xml file. Any
>unauthorised access attempt to these files will automatically throw up
>a login form. Means you don't have to code in protection to each page.
>You can authorise your users against a text file (SimpleRealm) or a
>database (JDBCRealm). There is an example in the examples directory.
>Check out the web.xml file in there and also look for Realm in server.xml
>If you want to use a database look at TOMCAT_HOME/doc/JDBCRealm.howto
>If you like the look of Realms I'm afraid you will have to upgrade to 3.2.3
>as earlier versions have a rather large security vulnerability.
>  On Wed,
>25 Jul 2001, you wrote: > I'm not sure whether it'll work for you but you
>assert current session on  > each jsp page that you want to protect
>you store user login info in  > the session) and throw an exception in case
>object is not found in the  > session, then the exception can be caught by
>error jsp page.  >
>> hth
>>                                       - Boris
>> >
>> >This posting is a request for suggestions on how best to
>> >secure a web application.
>> >
>> >First my setup:
>> >
>> >NT 4.0
>> >Apache 1.3.12
>> >Tomcat 3.2.1 (running behind Apache)
>> >servlets
>> >jsp pages
>> >static html pages
>> >jdk1.3
>> >
>> >
>> >Web-app directory structure:
>> >
>> >webapps/my_context/
>> >    /jsp/jsp_pages
>> >    /web-inf/classes/my_servlets
>> >    /web-inf/classes/beans/my_java_beans
>> >
>> >My static html files reside under the apache
>> >document root.
>> >
>> >For servlet access I am using session cookies, as specified in
>> >the Java Servlet Spec, to authorize users. This works very
>> >well for my purposes.
>> >
>> >My concern is protecting sensitive jsp and static
>> >html pages.
>> >
>> >How do I stop an unauthorized user from accessing a
>> >jsp or html resource directly?  ie: a back-door attack.
>> >
>> >For example, I am protecting my site with a login page,
>> >but if a user simply sidesteps the login and types
>> >
>> >        http://my_domain/my_context/jsp/any_jsp_page
>> >
>> >into his browser, he will get access to any jsp page
>> >that resides in the specified context.
>> >
>> >I have experimented with some different approaches:
>> >
>> >1.  hide the jsp directory directly under the /web-inf
>> >directory and let Tomcat restrict access.
>> >
>> >So I would have:
>> >
>> >        /web-inf/classes/servlets
>> >        /web-inf/jsp/jsp_pages
>> >
>> >Then provide access to jsp pages only through a
>> >verification servlet, which can verify the user and
>> >then forward the request to the correct resource.
>> >
>> >However, this is causing problems when I utilize a
>> >RequestDispatcher(path).forward(req, res)  or
>> >RequestDispatcher(path).include(req, res)
>> >instruction.
>> >
>> >The path needs to start with a "/" and be relative to
>> >the context root, per the Java Servlet API docs, which makes
>> >it impossible(?) to provide a correct path, since my
>> >verification servlet, and hence the execution thread,
>> >is in /web-inf/classes. When I issue the forward or inlude,
>> >I need to provide a path that looks something like:
>> >
>> >        /../jsp/jsp_page
>> >
>> >which is correctly making the JVM puke.
>> >
>> >
>> >2. Utilize the apache rewrite module and have apache
>> >rewrite all requests for http://my_domain/my_context/jsp/*.jsp
>> >to my verification servlet. The verification servlet can then
>> >do its thing and forward valid requests to the appropriate
>> >request.
>> >
>> >A hornet's nest of complexity here! and my nose tells
>> >me this is the wrong path to take.
>> >
>> >
>> >3. Thought a lot about utilizing the Tomcat API.
>> >
>> >ie: RequestInterceptor, Virtual Host, Valves etc.
>> >
>> >I found rudimentary information about what these
>> >constructs are, but very little on how to use them.
>> >
>> >So, I am kinda stumped :-(
>> >
>> >I guess the next step would be to explore Basic or
>> >Digest Authorization, but I was hoping there would be
>> >a simpler way, that uses the power of servlets....
>> >
>> >I would greatly welcome any and all suggestions....
>> >
>> >Thank you, and keep up the great work.
>> >The Tomcat effort rocks!
>> >
>> >Peter
>> >
>> >
>> >BTW, I anticipate that the Tomcat docs will improve greatly
>> >in the future, and I was greatly encouraged to see the
>> >effort being put into making a book, and the template forming
>> >around v4.0
>> >
>> >I would like to suggest a section on real world examples,
>> >using and programming the Tomcat API and the xml config
>> >files, like server.xml.
>> >
>> >For an example of what I mean, the documentation
>> >for the Apache mod_rewrite, written by Ralf S. Engelschall,
>> >has a section on practical solutions.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >That's kinda what I mean.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >

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