On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Craig, this last bit caught my attention...
> Currently our application uses .jar files spread out all over the
> place, will tomcat v4 not work under those conditions?

If you expect those JAR files to be visible to all of your web
applications, then the answer is no ... until you copy those JAR files
into the "lib" directory of your Tomcat 4.0 distribution.

The CLASSPATH variable is ignored by the (standard) Tomcat 4.0 startup
scripts, which very carefully set the CLASSPATH required to run
Tomcat.  You can certainly change these scripts (it's open source, yadda
yadda) but you will quickly venture into unsupported territory, where you
have to solve your own mysteries about how class loaders work :-).

> thanks
> -g

Craig McClanahan

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