Iam working on solaris 2.6, Tomcat 3.2.1 and Apache 1.3.9 with mod_jk

I have 5 servlets running and they are load balanced by a load balancing
servlet. All the servlets are identical and run on the same machine and use
the same class files. 

Each of my requests takes 10 seconds to process.

If i sent 5 concurrent request at the same time. Servlet 1 would process
request 1 and wait 10 seconds and then the next request would get processed
and so on, it takes a total of 50 seconds to complete the operation.( The
whole operation seemed serial and not concurrent as i expected it to be)

I was expecting the 5 requests to be processed concurrently by the 5
servlets in 10 seconds. 
Does the Load-Balancer block ????

What am i doing wrong or is this how it is supposed to work, my backend is a
Oracle database and all the operations are selects.

Please help

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