hi ,
        my tomcat runs out of memory soon after 3-4 hrs of running(depends
on no of users accessing it). As almost 5-10 users are accessing it at a
time. I have 120 JSPs and 180 JAVA classes in defferent packages.
        I increased JVM memory something like this in tomcat.bat file it
served me for next say 3-4 hrs but still it crashes after that.

 %_STARTJAVA% %TOMCAT_OPTS%  -Xmx1200000000  -Dtomcat.home="%TOMCAT_HOME%"
org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

can anyone help me ?????

thanks in advance.

 Also what is default memory used by JVM ????

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ogievetsky, Nikita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ogievetsky, Nikita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 3:24 PM
Subject: RE: Invalid class file format

> never mind.
> the error disappeared when I switched from tomcat 3.2.3 to 4.0 b6
> --Nikita.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ogievetsky, Nikita
> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 5:37 PM
> Subject: Invalid class file format
> Hello all,
> I would greatly appreciate your help.
> This is the message I am getting from Tomcat:
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPerror:
> Invalid class file format:
> , wrong version: 46, expected 45
> I tried to compile
> org/desire/rudolf/query/DownloadUrls.class
> with JDK 1.3 and JDK 1.2.2, same error message.
> I would greatly appreciate any hints and help,
> thanks,
> Nikita.
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