I get the same error in the event log (any module not compiled with EAPI gives
the error) but Apache so far seems to run fine if you ignore it.  

Is your module compiled against the proper Apache version?  Using modules
compiled for versions before 1.3.20 may not work.

As of versions greater than Apache 1.3.14 all the built-in modules have .so
endings instead of .dll endings.  Windows doesn't care what the ending
is...either will work if referenced properly in the LoadModule command.

-Ellis Teer

> Hi
> I've installed Apache 1.3.20 on a win2000 pc and it works
> fine. Now i want
> Tomcat on it aswell. But the modules in Apache 1.3.20 (and
> 2.0) are *.so
> files and the mod_jk from Tomcat (win binaries)is a *.dll
> file ?!?! I can't
> find any howto's that describes installing Tomcat any other
> way than with
> the *.dll.
> Is there anybody who knows how to install Tomcat on the
> latest Apache on a
> Win2000 ?? Or do i have to install an old Apache that uses modules in
> *.dll??
> Niels Barlach

Don't worry about it, just drop in the mod_jk.dll into the
%APACHE_HOME%\modules and follow the mod_jk-howto.html as it is.

I have the exact same setup on one of the machines and it
works like a charm.



but when i do that it comes with an error msg saying "failed starting
Apache" And something about it not being EAPI ?


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